Archive for July, 2009

Some new flyers that promote the benefits of ISA membership.

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

The Temporary Spaces found a few homes this summer.

First they were displayed at Dogpatch Biofuels, San Francisco’s only biodiesel filling station. This seemed especially apt, since many of the cityscapes depict the Dogpatch itself. Of course in the continuum of artistic practices, screen printing is the probably one of the most eco unfriendly processes out there. But maybe not as bad as aborted fetuses.

Dogpatch Biofuels

During the month of July, all the pieces were displayed at Liberty Cafe in ever-lovely Bernal Heights. This opportunity was courtesy of my friend, Danielle, who shoots compelling photos of kids (and therefore had to leave her Cellspace studio because of the pot smoke). Anyway, the business features a cozy restaurant and a bakery cafe, the neighborhood go-to spot for fresh Brioche. I’m not sure how much of a splash my art made, but I’m running out of room in my studio to store these. Free storage.

Liberty Cafe

Inside Liberty Cafe

I introduced a bill last year to reduce the speed limit.

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

My hybrid geometry/art class for ninth graders, “Creative Geometry,” was in full full effect over the weekend. Our second annual art show took place at the Oakland Museum of Children’s Art, and my kids were fantastic. Six of them were there hours early and stayed until the end of the day to help out. This is what it looked like from the inside.

Here are some robots I love:

Sunday, July 5th, 2009

I found a UC Berkeley MFA student who does robot art. Robot art! What could be more perfect for Creative Geometry class? The artist, Laura Greig, a fellow ex-engineering student from eastern Pennsylvania built Nila for her thesis project out of a coupe of servo motors, some fishing wire, and a few spare parts. So it was that on a hot Tuesday, I took my two classes for a cross-campus field trip to the art building to meet a painting robot.
Nila the painting robot
Turns out Nila also takes a photo every minute and Laura compiled this YouTube clip of the day. I’ll be damned if it isn’t the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.