And so I lost more than I had ever won.

I have a new nemesis and it has no name.  In fact the foe that torments me does not even possess life, for it is an inanimate object. What  anonymous item with no intelligence with which to outsmart me provides me with so much grief nonetheless?

The answer is an eight foot wall.

I am in my third week of constructing this simple dividing structure, quite possibly the simplest thing one could build, and yet it is still not done.  The reasons reveal too much stupidity to get into (for example: did you know that walls don’t not fall down on their own?), but the seemingly endless struggle to erect this wall is seeing all my other concerns slowly fall by the wayside and is contributing to a mounting sense that everything is a series of ever more futile tasks.  At this point, I don’t even care if the wall is a metaphor for life or life is a metaphor for the wall–I just need a god damned 300 square foot enclosure.

The wall frame

The wall frame


(Thanks to Vik [pictured above]for helping me out).

One Response to “And so I lost more than I had ever won.”

  1. feather2pixels » How many boys are raw? Says:

    […] wide range of incompetence has been well chronicled in this journal1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.  I was preparing yet another item for that list in the form of a worktable project […]

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