People with this name tend to be very warm and nurturing.

truck faceHave you ever been to a zine festival?

Well I have.  And recently, too.  Seduced by a roomful of lovingly crafted publications of  varying aesthetic merit, I found myself inspired but only to take the laziest possible action: to spend money.   So I bought a bunch of zines and thought that maybe in the future I might like to print a zine, too.   My favorite of the lot was “Truck Face,” a memoir of a punk’s work as an elementary school teacher.

I suppose that experience planted the inspirational seed for Erin‘s Christmas present, an edition of her play Tvá Kamila that I designed, screen printed, and bound.  Right now it’s my favorite of her plays, and possibly even the most zine-like.  That’s pretty much the entire story besides the part where I misspelled the name of the play on the cover, which did not even turn out being the stupidest thing I did all week (cue footage of me desperately speeding to the San Jose airport to catch a flight I forgot about).  But besides that I rule.

Here it is:

The wall frame

The wall frame

The wall frame

The wall frame

The wall frame

3 Responses to “People with this name tend to be very warm and nurturing.”

  1. Rachel Says:

    What a great gift idea!

  2. ben Says:

    An ama-zine idea, as it were. And, incidentally, I have a zine by said punk-turned-teacher dude. Reading one now about railroad culture with an emphasis on hobo art. Favorite of all time is Beer Frame.

  3. jon Says:

    Thanks, dudes. Ben–I think I noticed that railroad zine in your living room. I considered taking it for my Penn Station-Newark voyage on rails, but thought you would miss it.

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